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Team1Love is based out of Orlando, Fl. together we serve our local community and are passionate about spreading the love of Christ throughout the world.
Contact us to partner with your ministry or visit your church for a conference or mission project.
Additionally, we are offering a fully confidential, and safe person for Pastors, Missionaries, Church Leaders, and their family members (kids included) to talk to someone trained to be a listening ear and compassionate heart. Leadership can be lonely and fear of consequence keeps us from ever letting anyone into our situation for help. We weren’t meant to carry our burdens alone - so reach out to our team of lay-counseling (or licensed mental health counselors if needed) to seek the support and encouragement you need to stay committed to the call.
Find Us on YouTube to Keep Learning and Stay Connected
Here you will find a variety of podcasts that will continue to help you grow.
Adventures in 1Love
CoffeeWriter’s Cafe
1Love Ministries and more to come!